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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans The fourth form of Gundam Barbatos, the protagonist, appeared as an MG! We thoroughly reproduce Gundam frame of internal mechanism, a hub reactor! Color reproduction by molding color applied on a part-by-part basis, expansion gimmick for more dynamic movement, abundant optional parts. The amount of information is suitable as a master grade.
■ Fourth form The setting color of the exterior is faithfully reproduced with the molding color. The density and amount of information unique to MG are overwhelming.
■ Gundam frame which is internal structure deeply evaluates setting during play and reproduces to the detail. We adopt silver plating to cylinder.
■ The first Gimbic spinning gimmick is installed as MG in the chest Ahab reactor.
■ The internal frame, cylinder and armor are interlocked by the movable shaft embedded in the upper body. This can produce a lively posing.
■ The cylinder on the shoulder reproduces the mechanical structure that follows the movement to pull out. Can express Barbatos's aggressive posing.
■ The knee is movable by interlocking the frame and the cylinder. The range of motion is expanded by pulling out the parts behind the knees, and natural standing knees are also possible.
■ We reproduce swing of the right and left, axis movement of hip joint in waiting posture. You can enjoy the waiting pose with a distinctive look down.
■ Hand parts are replacement type of three kinds of attachment. Weapons are designed to be attached to the palm of the hand with the hand of the weapon owner.
■ Mace can slide the grip and the tip.
■ The slide and folding gimmick is mounted on the gun of the glide gun. Pursuit of playability by the lock mechanism.
■ Mace × 1
■ Sword × 1
■ 300 mm Glide Can × 1
■ Foil seal × 1
■ Marking seal × 1